2a terrific creeping mini miniature with 1/2` leaves that quickly cover its mount, many 3` single flowered spikes emerge simultaneously producing a beautiful display of 1` yellow green flowers, this frequent bloomer is a great addition to any miniature collection
2just in from Mars, a beautiful mini miniature with clumping grass like 1-1/2` leaves, short 2` single flowered spikes producing alien-looking 1/2` blooms, the cuppy spiny flowers are yellow, spotted red/brown with dangling globular tipped yellow tails, must be kept moist at all times
2a mini-mini with thick 1/2` densely mat forming dark green paddle shaped leaves, many thread like 4` spikes produce a spray of 1/4` yellowish open bird beak shaped flowers with light purple striations, profuse bloomer and easy grower. I collected this pla