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Cyrtochilum (Oncidium) cumandae


6` Basket

  • sku: 01128-09306
  • 2Cyrtochilum (Oncidium)-cumandae
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Cyrtochilum (Oncidium) diceratum


Stick Mounted Plant

  • sku: 06740-04518
  • 2Cyrtochilum (Oncidium)-diceratum
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Cyrtochilum (Oncidium) falcipetalum


6` Basket

  • sku: 01963-00145
  • 2mid-sized plant characterized by an extremely long spike (up to 15 `) which can behave much like a vine, up to 30 flowers appear on branches in the upper third of the `vine`, 3` undulated blooms are dark brown with yellow petals. (Additional shipping may apply due to size of plant)
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Cyrtochilum (oncidium) orgale


Bare Root

  • sku: 04003-08757
  • 2Bare root cuttings 2 to 3 bulbs; Long rhizome between growths. Needs very bright light and also very wet and cooler grower; best on large slabs or tree fern poles. Plants get big. Great outdoors in coastal California. Spikes are vine-like.
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Cyrtochilum (Oncidium) pastasae


8` Basket

  • sku: 06567-04233
  • 2Cyrtochilum (Oncidium)-pastasae
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Cyrtochilum (Oncidium) undulatum (ventilabrum)


8` Basket

  • sku: 06996-05002
  • 2Cyrtochilum (Oncidium)-undulatum (ventilabrum)
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Cyrtochilum (Oncidium) zebrinum


8` Basket

  • sku: 08861-08634
  • 2These are great climbing plants with long leaders between plantlets. They have long flowering spikes with nice sized showy flowers. They are found around 4000-5500 ft in more open parts of forests along coastal mountain ranges.
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Miltonioides (Oncidium) schroederiana


Stick Mounted Plant

  • sku: 05208-06541
  • 2a very compact member of this genus, 3` flattened bulbs topped with a pair of 6`-8` fairly broad light green leaves, short spikes up to 8` produce several 2` very attractive blooms, the shiny waxy spreading sepals and petals are whitish green boldly blotc
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Oncidium cheirophorum

$18.20 $26.00

Slab Mounted Plant

  • sku: 03150-01317
  • 2a delightful miniature Oncidium, 1` rounded pseudobulbs with a pair of 4` leaves, 1 to 4 basal 12` spikes per bulb produce dense sprays of bright pure yellow 1/2` waxy fragrant flowers, grows quickly into a specimen plant, charming.
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Oncidium chrysomorphum (sml.dense yellow)

$27.30 $39.00

6` Basket

  • sku: 05205-04931
  • 2a compact midsized Oncidium with a densely flowered infloresence, 3` semi-flattened bulbs with 10` leaves, each new growth produces 2 - 4 spikes up to 16` that are multi-branched and covered in simultaneously opening 1/2` relatively flat golden yellow blooms with an elongated bilobed lip and a reddish column. (Additional shipping may apply due to size of plant)
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Oncidium crispum

$45.50 $65.00

Slab Mounted Plant

  • sku: 05345-04318
  • 2a very attractive Brazilian Oncidium with dark green 4` leathery bulbs topped with a pair of 8` broadly oval leaves, 18` spikes bear 12-25 spectacular large 2 1/2` blooms and huge oversized petals, the ruffled flowers are greenish-brown finely edged yellow with random yellow barring, the large lip has a prominent orange-yellow spot.
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Oncidium dichromaticum (cabagrae)

$33.60 $48.00

Treefern Pole Mounted Plant

  • sku: 05581-02832
  • 2the yellow form of the species
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Oncidium duranguense

$18.20 $26.00

Stick or Slab Mounted Plant

  • sku: 04000-01693
  • 2Oncidium-duranguense
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Oncidium harrisonianum

$26.60 $38.00

Slab Mounted Plant

  • sku: 02188-03851
  • 2Oncidium-harrisonianum
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Oncidium incurvum

$33.60 $48.00

Stick Mounted Plant

  • sku: 02191-00400
  • 2lush green 18` plants with 3 to 4ft. vertical heavily branched spikes producing a cylindrical spray of densely packed 1` flowers, the pure white blooms are marked with soft pink, the lip is white with pink spotting and a bright yellow callus, a beautiful sight.. (Additional shipping charge may apply due to size of plant)
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Oncidium incurvum

$27.30 $39.00

4` Pot

  • sku: 02191-09194
  • 2lush green 18` plants with 3 to 4ft. vertical heavily branched spikes producing a cylindrical spray of densely packed 1` flowers, the pure white blooms are marked with soft pink, the lip is white with pink spotting and a bright yellow callus, a beautiful sight.. (Additional shipping charge may apply due to size of plant)
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Oncidium iricolor (pollardii)

$26.60 $38.00

Stick or Slab Mounted Plant

  • sku: 05110-04970
  • 2very rare and allied to Oncidium incurvum
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Oncidium longipes

$19.60 $28.00

Slab Mounted Plant

  • sku: 06709-04465
  • 2Oncidium-longipes
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Oncidium oliganthum

$19.60 $28.00

Stick Mounted Plant

  • sku: 09083-09000
  • 2Found in cloud forests at 1600-2200 feet of elevation, compact with large showy flowers
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Oncidium warmingii

$33.60 $48.00

Treefern Pole Mounted Plant

  • sku: 08005-07252
  • 2mounted on tree fern poles- great vertical plant
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