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Neofinetia falcata Furan


Stick Mounted Plant

  • sku: 01233-09582
  • 2single clumps both stick and slab mounts, double sticks are two clumps and triple sticks are three clumps.
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Neofinetia falcata Furan


Slab Mounted Plant

  • sku: 01233-09583
  • 2single clumps both stick and slab mounts, double sticks are two clumps and triple sticks are three clumps.
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Neofinetia falcata Furan


Two or More Stick Mounted Plants

  • sku: 01233-09844
  • 2single clumps both stick and slab mounts, double sticks are two clumps and triple sticks are three clumps.
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Neofinetia falcata Furan


Specimen Size Stick Mounted Plant

  • sku: 01233-09845
  • 2single clumps both stick and slab mounts, double sticks are two clumps and triple sticks are three clumps.
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Neofinetia falcata Gojo Fukurin


Stick Mounted Plant

  • sku: 01246-09603
  • 2pronounced white edges along the leaf margin, robusts grower
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Neofinetia falcata Higashi de Miyako


Stick Mounted Plant

  • sku: 01250-09607
  • 2varigated leaves with Butter yellow edging fading into a dark green center midrib.
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Neofinetia falcata Yeonhong


Stick Mounted Plant

  • sku: 01249-09606
  • 2Pink blush white flowers
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Neofinetia falcata Yoroidoshi


Stick Mounted Plant

  • sku: 01245-09602
  • 2Neofinetia-falcata Yoroidoshi
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Neofinetia falcata Hanagoromo


Stick Mounted Plant

  • sku: 01358-09840
  • 2Neofinetia-falcata Hanagoromo
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Neofinetia falcata Kinyuko


Stick Mounted Plant

  • sku: 01236-09586
  • 2Beautiful yellow tiger strip with slightly narrower leaves than other varieties
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Neofinetia falcata Kirinmaru


Stick Mounted Plant

  • sku: 01357-09839
  • 2Neofinetia-falcata Kirinmaru
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Neofinetia falcata Murasaki Taishi


Stick Mounted Plant

  • sku: 01234-09584
  • 2Beautiful pinkish flowers with darker stems
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Neofinetia falcata Myeong-ok


Stick Mounted Plant

  • sku: 01314-09752
  • 2small bean leaf variety, clumping plants, white flowers with pinkish blush.
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Neofinetia falcata Tamakongo


Stick Mounted Plant

  • sku: 05779-03050
  • 2Neofinetia-falcata Tamakongo
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Neofinetia falcata Yamahoko


Stick Mounted Plant

  • sku: 01315-09753
  • 2Narrow leaved variety with leaves always pointing to the stars
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Neofinetia falcata Yokozuna


Stick Mounted Plant

  • sku: 01317-09755
  • 2Yokozuna is a Grand Champion Sumo Wrestler, large flowered Amani type from the southern islands of Japan
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