2a marvelous mini-Encyclia with conical 3/4` bulbs each topped with 2 or 3 very narrow 6` leathery leaves, wiry arching 12` spikes emerge from the top of the bulb in spring, up to 12 long-lasting 2-1/2` starry-shaped flowers per spike, red-brown sepals and petals are narrow and pointed, the broad lip is white with fine lines of purple radiating from the center
2an extremely spicy sweet fragrant and attractive Encyclia, allied to E. fragrans, ovoid 2 1/2` bulbs topped with up to three arching 8` light green leaves, 4` apical spikes carrying up to 10 densely clustered flowers, 1 1/2` blooms are greenish white with an upturned shell shaped lip that is white with radiating purple lines
2an elegant compact Encyclia allied to fragrans, 2` flattened bulbs topped with a single 4` veined green leaf, short apical spikes bear several 2` gorgeous blooms, the creamy sepals and petals are extremely crystalline and heavily veined and spotted a soft rose color, the pale yellow broad pointed lip is lightly spotted purple, very fragrant, and the blooms can last 3 - 4 months
2This beauty from South American is a reliable blooming in winter to spring. It`s spicy vanilla chocolate fragrance is absolutely exquisite. A must have in every collection.