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Dracula astuta


4` Basket

  • sku: 05076-01865
  • 2a great orchid with a beautiful flower, clumping 5` elongated leaves, sequentially blooming infloresences appear from the sides and bottom of the basket, 1-1/4` blooms face down with 3` long reddish tails, the spreading fused lateral and dorsal sepals are triangular in shape, very finely hirsute, are white heavily spotted with dark brick red, tiny club-like petals are orange, small scoop-shaped lip is white
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Dracula bellerophon Betsy


4` Basket

  • sku: 08916-08720
  • 2Dracula-bellerophon Betsy
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Dracula benedictii var hubeinii


4` Basket

  • sku: 07586-06364
  • 2Dracula-benedictii var hubeinii
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Dracula brangeri


4` Basket

  • sku: 07077-05128
  • 2Dracula-brangeri
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Dracula chimaera `Pacifica` AM/AOS


4` Basket

  • sku: 07294-08679
  • 2Dracula-chimaera `Pacifica` AM/AOS
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Dracula christineana


4` Basket

  • sku: 06716-04475
  • 2Dracula-christineana
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Dracula citrina


4` Basket

  • sku: 05122-01911
  • 2Dracula-citrina
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Dracula cordobae


4` Basket

  • sku: 05082-01871
  • 2Dracula-cordobae
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Dracula dalstroemii


4` Basket

  • sku: 07465-06081
  • 2Dracula-dalstroemii
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Dracula decussata (niesseniae)


4` Basket

  • sku: 06760-04566
  • 2a fine orchid with beautiful contrasting flowers, clumping 6` paddle-shaped leaves, short infloresences appear from the sides of the basket, 1` blooms tilt slightly down with 2` long reddish tails, the fused tepals are triangular in shape, very finely hirsute, white and centrally spotted with dark red, tiny club-like petals are reddish-orange, minute lip is white, one of the few Draculas producing more than one open flower at a time per spike
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Dracula deltoidea


4` Basket

  • sku: 05128-01917
  • 2Dracula-deltoidea
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Dracula diabola


4` Basket

  • sku: 04073-01764
  • 2Dracula-diabola
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Dracula diana


4` Basket

  • sku: 05132-01921
  • 2a beautiful nearly ever-blooming Dracula, clumping 6` paddle-shaped leaves, sequentially blooming infloresences appear from the sides and bottom of the basket, 1-1/4` blooms face down with 3` long reddish tails, the spreading fused lateral and dorsal sepals are triangular in shape, hirsute, are white becoming spotted with brick red towards the center, tiny club-like petals are red, small scoop-shaped lip is light orange, and along with central orange `cheeks` at its base, gives it the appearance of a blushing monkey
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Dracula diana xanthinum


4` Basket

  • sku: 08186-07602
  • 2Dracula-diana xanthinum
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Dracula felix


4` Basket

  • sku: 05133-01922
  • 2a terrific mass bloomer, clumping plant with 6` elongated dark green leaves, a profusion of short infloresences appear around the base of the plant, 1/2` blooms tilt down with 1` long reddish tails, the fused lateral and dorsal sepals form a deep triangular shaped cup, flowers are creamy white and finely spotted red, tiny club-like petals are dark red, minute lip is white
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Dracula gaskelliana


4` Basket

  • sku: 05070-01859
  • 2considered by some as a smaller variety of D. erythrochaete, small plant up to 4` high with a 6` descending spike producing up to 4 flowers which open successively, the pubescent rounded fused sepals are white and finely spotted purple, producing a triangular shaped slightly cupped 3` bloom with dark red/purple tails, small spoon shaped lip is white to blush, this is a good beginner`s Dracula.(able to tolerate slightly warmer temperatures)
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Dracula gigas


4` Basket

  • sku: 05124-01913
  • 2a terrific Dracula with a beautiful larger flower, clumping plant with 7` elongated leaves, sequentially blooming upright infloresences hold the flowers above the foliage, 2` triangular blooms with spreading fused lateral and dorsal sepals that slowly taper down to a 1` tail, are cream-colored and heavily peppered throughout with cinnamon, except for the central mask, the tiny club-like petals are red, small scoop-shaped lip is pink,
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Dracula gigas albescens


4` Basket

  • sku: 07809-06779
  • 2a semi aureum color form
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Dracula gigas xanthina


4` Basket

  • sku: 01293-09695
  • 2yellow form of the species
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Dracula gorgona


4` Basket

  • sku: 05117-01906
  • 2There is some tip burn from heat
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