2a great orchid with a beautiful flower, clumping 5` elongated leaves, sequentially blooming infloresences appear from the sides and bottom of the basket, 1-1/4` blooms face down with 3` long reddish tails, the spreading fused lateral and dorsal sepals are triangular in shape, very finely hirsute, are white heavily spotted with dark brick red, tiny club-like petals are orange, small scoop-shaped lip is white
2truly beautiful as the name implies, a clumping plant with 7` long thinly textured broad leaves, multiple single flowered descending spikes produce awesome 5` blooms, the flattened hairy yellow sepals are spotted red brown and fused together forming a tri
2a fine orchid with beautiful contrasting flowers, clumping 6` paddle-shaped leaves, short infloresences appear from the sides of the basket, 1` blooms tilt slightly down with 2` long reddish tails, the fused tepals are triangular in shape, very finely hirsute, white and centrally spotted with dark red, tiny club-like petals are reddish-orange, minute lip is white, one of the few Draculas producing more than one open flower at a time per spike
2a beautiful nearly ever-blooming Dracula, clumping 6` paddle-shaped leaves, sequentially blooming infloresences appear from the sides and bottom of the basket, 1-1/4` blooms face down with 3` long reddish tails, the spreading fused lateral and dorsal sepals are triangular in shape, hirsute, are white becoming spotted with brick red towards the center, tiny club-like petals are red, small scoop-shaped lip is light orange, and along with central orange `cheeks` at its base, gives it the appearance of a blushing monkey
2a great orchid with a beautiful flower, clumping 7` elongated leaves, sequentially blooming infloresences appear from the sides and bottom of the basket, 1` blooms face down with 4` long reddish tails, the spreading fused lateral and dorsal sepals are triangular in shape, minutely hirsute, and white and finely spotted with dark brick-red, tiny club-like petals are also brick red, small scoop-shaped lip is white