2stunning miniature with conical flattened 2` bulbs and short dark green leathery leaves, 12` arching spikes carry many brilliant orange-red rounded 1-1/2` flowers, this species is parent to many modern red Odontoglossum hybrids, cool grower which likes bright breezy conditions
2stunning miniature with conical flattened 2` bulbs and short dark green leathery leaves, 12` arching spikes carry many brilliant orange-red rounded 1-1/2` flowers, this species is parent to many modern red Odontoglossum hybrids, cool grower which likes bright breezy conditions
2found high in the mountains of Peru these delightful miniature plants are seldom taller than 5` with 12` densely flowered spikes producing 1` crystalline rose pink flowers with white columns on a three-lobed pink lip; cool conditions and good water a must
2This superlative compact Oncidium relative has clustering 2` flattened bulbs with attractive 5` dark green leaves, multiple simple or branched spikes from 8` to 16`, carrying many crystalline hot pink 2` flowers with a prominent three-lobed white pink-tipped lip