2a nifty dwarf Cirrhopetalum with 1 1/2` bulbs topped with a single rounded 1 1/2` light green leaf, 3` spikes each hold one fascinating (hence the name) 5`-7` bloom, the flowers have a green dorsal and petals are edged with dangling minute violet tassels, the long tailed lateral sepals are bright red-brown tapering to green
2Spectacular species with 8` flowers first discovered in northern Malaysia in 1912, not seen in the wild again until the recent rediscovery of a far superior population in southern Thailand with blooms up to 18`, this shade loving plant has 8` dark green leathery leaves atop a 1` bulb, semi-pendant 8` spikes bear clusters of long narrow delicately striped pale pink hanging sepals with a rocking pastel yellow lip