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Bifrenaria leucorrhoda


6` Basket

  • sku: 08058-07368
  • 2Bifrenaria-leucorrhoda
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Rudolfiella (Bifrenaria) aurantiaca


6` Basket

  • sku: 02573-00741
  • 2Rudolfiella (Bifrenaria)-aurantiaca
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Rudolfiella (Bifrenaria) saxicola


6` Basket

  • sku: 02279-00491
  • 21` squat angular bulbs topped with a single long petiolate 14` upright leaf with purple spotting on the underside, erect arching 16` spikes produce many 1 1/2` yellow flowers with heavy reddish-brown spotting. (Additional shipping may apply due to the size of plant)
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