2a large terrestrial with clustering 5` conical bulbs topped with several widely plicate 15` light green leaves; 1-3 short spikes emerge from the sides of the new growths each carrying 3-8 rather attractive 1-1/2` globular blooms with flared tips; flowers are pure white, with spotted red and blush tips and a bright yellow lip. (Additional shipping may apply due to size of plant)
2an easy growing and floriferous angraecoid; clumping leafy growths with soft dark green 6` leaves; many branching 12` spikes bloom over several months producing lots of beautiful 1` starry lime green flowers with 1-1/2` nectary.
2a terrific creeping mini miniature with 1/2` leaves that quickly cover its mount, many 3` single flowered spikes emerge simultaneously producing a beautiful display of 1` yellow green flowers, this frequent bloomer is a great addition to any miniature collection
2also known as the `Chinese Ground Orchid,` this seasonally deciduous orchid can be treated and grown like bulb plants such as tulips or narcissus; light green leaves are thin, crinkly, 4` long, and emerge in pairs above the bulbs in early Spring; bulbs grow extremely fast and are easily divided; 1` Cattleya-shaped fushsia flowers with white lips fringed with fushia appear on 15` spikes that carry up to 12 blooms each. Multi growth plants
2Growing throughout Asia in evergreen broad leaved forests, coniferous forests, and grassy places. Grow cool to cold in a terrestrial mix. They can be planted out in the garden in many locations as well. Winter rests are required.
2also known as the `Chinese Spring Orchid,` this seasonally deciduous orchid can be treated and grown like bulb plants such as tulips or narcissus; light green leaves are thin, crinkly, 4` long, and emerge in pairs above the bulbs in early Spring; bulbs grow extremely fast and are easily divided; 1` Cattleya-shaped bluish lavender flowers with fringed lips appear on 15` spikes that carry up to 12 blooms each
2also known as the `Chinese Spring Orchid,` this seasonally deciduous orchid can be treated and grown like bulb plants such as tulips or narcissus; light green leaves are thin, crinkly, 4` long, and emerge in pairs above the bulbs in early Spring; bulbs grow extremely fast and are easily divided; 1` Cattleya-shaped magenta flowers with white lips fringed with pink appear on 15` spikes that carry up to 12 blooms each. Multi growth plants
2a typical Brassavola which can grow upright, pendulous or both, 10` bulbs topped with terete deeply grooved 12` leaves, short spikes with clusters of up to 10 very showy 3` blooms, linear sepals and petals are yellowish with an elyptic pure white lip, center is apple green, very fragrant easy growing spring bloomer
2a very elegant epiphyte, stubby pencil-like bulbs produce single curved 10` to 15` terete leaves, plant produces multiple new growths which flower simultaneously, 6 to 20 flowers are densely arranged on 5` spikes, lime green 2` blooms have large flared heart-shaped pure white lips, very fragrant in the evening, flowers at least twice a year
2wonderful plant and flower, with a creeping growth habit, where the bulbs and leaves hug the mount, 1/2` rounded purplish bulbs each topped with a 1-1/2` thick and leathery greenish-purple leaf, this multiple flush bloomer produces numerous heads of attractive creamy white flowers held just above the foliage, each head comprised of up to 10 blooms with pronounced 1-1/2` long lateral sepals