Clowesia (Catasetum) russelliana

Clowesia (Catasetum)-russelliana

$Call Notify Me When Available
  • sku: 03327-01453
  • Availability: insuficient quantity, Please call 760-436-4239
  • this genus differs from Catasetum in that it has perfect flowers (male and female parts on the same flower), a really gorgeous deciduous plant, fat 5` bulbs carry a fan of wide plicate 18` leaves, 1 to 4 pendant flower spikes grow to 18` carrying up to 2 dozen 2-1/2` flowers, the sepals petals and the pouch-shaped lip are all translucent pale green heavily striped with lime green veins, a pervasive lemony fragrance
  • Mounts:

  • Genus:Clowesia (Catasetum)
  • Species:russelliana
  • Cultural Tip:Give a dry winter rest.