2very desirable and highly variable species with bulbs ranging in height from 2` in miniature form to 10`, deep green 3` leaves top the bulbs and tend to turn purple with higher light, numerous 6` apical spikes carry up to 15 flowers each, heavy spring bloomer with 1` flowers ranging from dark purple to mauve, dense lavender to red spotting on the white lip, fragrant, hardy down to 28F
2a far-out miniature with terrific color, shape and fragrance, 2` to 4` purplish canes topped with numerous bright green 2` deciduous leaves, multiple short three-flowered spikes emerge from the cane nodes, blooms are up to 2` in diameter, sepals and petal
2Some thing new and exciting; tiny minute small pea-size bulbs that are deciduous, half inch dark green leaves, flowers are very large for thew size of the plants measuring close to 1` dwarfing the plant.
2a marvelously fragrant flower, very hardy and compact plant similar to a small and thicker-leafed Phalaenopsis with thick white roots, basal spikes reaching 7` each carrying up to a dozen 1 1/2` flowers, rounded sepals and petals are creamy white spotted with rose, the lip is white with rose markings, free-flowering and particularly spectacular in spring, easy grower.
2compact plant, strongly ribbed 3` pseudobulbs topped with a single 3` leaf, pendant 1` spikes carry up to 30 flat rounded golden-yellow 2` flowers, very fragrant with the scent of honey, blooms best with slightly drier winter rest
2terrific compact plant, upright 1 ft. stems with glossy green leaves, flowers appear in June on deciduous canes, these great 1` blooms last up to 4 months, pink flowers with contrasting yellow lips are tightly clustered covering the entire cane
2miniature creeping plant with brilliant flowers, flattened 1` pseudobulbs bear a thick rounded 1` leaf, as the leaves open they produce dense clusters of brilliant scarlet orange 1` blooms with a carmine pollen cap, floriferous and easy to grow.
2Andy`s favorite Barkeria, stocky very thick-rooted 3`-5` clumping deciduous stems, spring blooming 6` spikes with 2 1/2` variable colored flowers ranging from white to dark pink with large flat purple-spotted lip
2commonly grown, clumping plant with 10` upright semi-terete slightly ribbed leaves, upright spikes emerge along with new leaves producing an arching densely flowered head of tightly arranged rank and file 1/3` brick red to brick orange flowers, easy blooming, quickly becoming a specimen plant
2commonly grown, clumping plant with 10` upright semi-terete slightly ribbed leaves, upright spikes emerge along with new leaves producing an arching densely flowered head of tightly arranged rank and file 1/3` brick red to brick orange flowers, easy blooming, quickly becoming a specimen plant
2creeping growth habit with needle-like 3` foliage, forms a specimen plant quickly, triangular 1` blooms, greenish-yellow sepals and petals with a white lip and purple striation, flowers in profusion during the spring, fragrant easy grower
2showy compact plant with 2` to 5` leaf-span, pendulous 6-`12` spikes with up to 18 blooms per spike, long-lasting 1 1/2` flat well-rounded white flowers with a vivid scarlet column.
2also known as the `Chinese Spring Orchid,` this seasonally deciduous orchid can be treated and grown like bulb plants such as tulips or narcissus; light green leaves are thin, crinkly, 4` long, and emerge in pairs above the bulbs in early Spring; bulbs grow extremely fast and are easily divided; 1` Cattleya-shaped bluish lavender flowers with fringed lips appear on 15` spikes that carry up to 12 blooms each